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Look: Gen Finds it Hard to Deal with Her True Emotion in Mate the Series Episode 3

Mate – Zense Entertainment x NeZT Media series adapted from the novel of the same name by Chao Planoy, follows the story of Genlong, a rich, smart, extremely beautiful lady who’s perfect at everything and even likes everything to be perfect around her too, gets her fortune ridden by a famous fortune teller her mother knows. There she gets to know soon her soulmate will appear in her life, and that soulmate of her happens to be an woman? Not before long, Gen gets to meet with her naive, childlike friend Aoey, a childhood friend by whom she got infected with lice, which resulted in breaking off their friendship there.

The drama starring Oaey Ponchanok and Grace Budsarin in the lead role started broadcasting from this November 26th, currently on air with a total of 3 episodes out, out of 10.

Note: Episode 3 spoilers ahead!

Both, Aoey and Gen Suffers Emotionally as Gen Finds it Hard to Face Her Real Feelings Towards Aoey

Gen’s POV:

A scene of Mate the series episode 3
The original picture is collected from the official’s X handle. Courtesy: @WeTVThailand

We already see, both Gen & Aoey to feel possessive towards each other in the first two episodes, but things just escalates to another stage when Gen indirectly tries to push Aoey away from her by pretending to go into serious relationship with Dr. Thot, whom Gen’s mother has chosen for her.

Throughout the whole episode we see Gen emotionally battling to her own self from recognizing the true feeling she’s been feeling towards her childhood friend Aoey, and creating scenarios to show Aoey that she’s just a good friend to her and nothing else.

To Gen it is really hard digest that the emotion she’s feeling for Aoey is more than friendship, her getting jealous, feeling extremly possessive over things like Aoey interacting with other men, caring about tiny to tiniest things about her dear friend is just a friendship and nothing else. To be honest we can’t even fully blame Gen for that, cause the household she grew up in, has always viewed a man is an ideal interest for an women and vice versa, hence to Gen, the perfect women, finding an ideal man and starting a happy family is more important than her feeling something more than an ordinary care for her friend.

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Aoey’s POV:

A scene of Mate the series episode 3
The original picture is collected from the official’s X handle. Courtesy: @WeTVThailand

All of the while on the other hand, Aoey enduring all the pain alone of being so close to her love interest while being super far at the same time. She’s trying hard to please Gen by doing all of the things she’s asking or directing to do her, even getting extremely happy whenever she’s feeling wanted and needed by Gen. But then again, things starts to going back to same point whenever she’s feeling Gen getting far away from her and even avoiding Aoey.

Mate the series episode 3 scene
The original picture is collected from the official’s X handle. Courtesy: @WeTVThailand

At last, Aoey breaks down to tears at the end of the episode when Gen completely denies having any hope of their relation getting any further then it already is in the future. Aoey tries hard for the last time to make Gen acknowledge her true feelings but gets failed eventually and episode ends with them both suffering emotionally.

Let’s hope to see Gen accepting her true feelings towards Aoey soon, to see more of their sweetness together on-screen.

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