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Spare Me Your Mercy — A Series Full of Mystery, Angst and Slow-Burn

“Spare Me Your Mercy” an OneD Original series adapted from the novel called “Euthanasia” by the popular author Sammon, has come to an end finally on this Wednesday. “Spare Me Your Mercy”, a series full of mystery, angst, slow-burn was doubtlessly one of the brilliantly written and screened series of 2024. A show, which didn’t just focused only on “Boys Love” for popularity, but rather on it’s storyline, phenomenal acting by the actors, and script.

The show is a great example of combining story and romance, with setting a great example of conveying vital message to the society. Euthanasia, a term which is used in medicine, refers to when a patient is suffering from an extremely painful, incurable disease wishes to end their life receives a painless death by the help of medical staffs. As of now, this procedure — “Euthanasia” is legalized in a very few countries worldwide and is yet to be recognized by more. The series discusses this exact sensitive topic in it, presenting various viewpoints from the doctors’, patient’s and in law enforcement’s perspective.

"Spare Me Your Mercy" episode 8
The original picture is collected from the official’s X handle. Courtesy:

Story Sypnosis

A young police officer, Thiu, decides transfer to his birth village to spend some time together with his mother, a cancer fighter, in her last moment of life. Upon arriving his destination, Thiu discovers the news of his mother premature death and breaks down emotionally. However, as days pass, Thiu discovers more death of the terminally ill patients, all under the one doctor in the area, Dr. Kan. Despite having suspicions about the man, Thiu finds himself forming an unlikely with Dr. Kan.

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Spare Me Your Mercy episode 8
The original picture is collected from the official’s X handle. Courtesy:

Being written exceptionally and masterfully brought to life, the series successfully captures the hearts of many from its beginning of airing to the end. Fans are not getting tired of expressing their heartfelt gratitude to the actors of the series for their exceptional delivery of acting through all the social media. Indeed, the series wouldn’t have been able to convey its message while capturing the hearts of the audiences without the masterful performances of the cast. We must too thank JJ Krissanapoom (Thiu), Tor Thanapob (Dr. Kan) and the rest of casts for their outstanding performances, making the series a compelling watch for all.

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